Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Top Secret Tuesday, Advent Week 4

Greetings! Your mission is to complete one of the following:

Advent Week 4

Light all 4 of your candles on your advent candleholder and read about the coming of the Magi from Matthew 2:1-12.  Answer the following questions, and complete one activity below:
How did the Magi find Jesus?
What gifts did they bring him?
Why did they come to Jesus?
Option #1 (older kids):  Check out some neat info about the 3 gifts that the Magi gave Jesus:

Pictures of Myrrh and Frankincese (scroll down for pictures)
Picture of Frankincese Tree (and crazy botanical info too)
Very Cool Frankincense Tree

Option #2 (young ones): Complete the Magi Maze worksheet.

Have fun!!

Signature of completion ____________________________________________

Bring this signed paper to Sunday school to claim your Bible Bucks.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Top Secret Tuesday, Advent Week 3

Greetings! Your mission is to complete one of the following:

Advent Week3

Light 3 of your candles on your advent candleholder and read about the birth of Jesus from Luke 2:1-20.  Now, your task is to complete a game of “Guess who I am?” 
Take turns acting out the characters and settings from this sheet, while other members of the family try to guess who you are, and which part of the story you are trying to tell. 

Have fun!!

Signature of completion ____________________________________________
Bring this signed paper to Sunday school to claim your Bible Bucks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

ABC #13

From Prisoner to Prominence

Bible Verse:
Genesis 50:19-20 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in
the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for
good to accomplish what is now being done,
the saving of many lives.”

Joseph and Pharaoh

Younger kids can just learn verse 19.

Top Secret Tuesday, Advent Week 2

Greetings! Your mission is to complete one of the following:

Advent Week 2
Light 2 of your candles on your advent candleholder and read from Luke 1:26-37 and From Matt. 1:18-24.  Answer the following questions, then choose one of the following activities:

How did God tell Mary the Good News about Jesus?
How did God tell Joseph?
What are some things that were promised about Jesus?

Option 1 (older kids):  Use and NIV (or NAS) Bible to complete the "Mary's Song of Praise" crossword.

Option 2 (youngin’s):Using stuffed animals, puppets, dolls, or nativity figures act out Gabriel's conversation with Mary, and Joseph's dream from God.

Signature of completion ____________________________________________
Bring this signed paper to Sunday school to claim your Bible Bucks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Top Secret Tuesday, Advent Week 1

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to complete one of the following tasks:

Advent Week 1

You will be making an advent candleholder to help celebrate the coming of Christmas.  To make your holder, use ½ of a paper towel roll, cut lengthwise.  Poke 4 holes into the top for the candles.  Before placing the candles in, feel free to decorate any way you like (stickers, glue/glitter, markers, etc.).  Place the candles in, light the 1st one and read about the birth of Jesus’ cousin, John from Luke 1:5-25. 

Have a parent cut out (and mix up!) the eight different pictures on this page.  Then your task is to sort out the order of  these events.  Have fun!!

Remember to bring your signed TST paper to Sunday School to claim your Bible Bucks!