Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Map Challenge!!

Greetings! Your mission is to complete a Map Challenge from Map 1 and Map 2 (click on the links to view maps):

Map Challenge #1
(for younger kids)
Find the following places we’ve been hearing about in the bible:
1. Israel 2. Edom 3. Dead Sea 4. How many tribes are shown here?
Use the links on the blog to check out some pictures of these places now!

Do you remember what Israel means? _____________________

Map Challenge #2
(for older kids)
Using the maps shown on the TST blog, locate the answer to each question, and write it down below:
The country that Esau founded (what is it part of now?)
What is one city in this country? (It looks really cool!)
The country Jacob founded (What is its name?)
The sea that is closest to Sodom and Gomorrah (What is it called?)
Which sons are represented in the map shown? (#tribes on the map)

After completing one of the challenges, look at the attached sites to see some cool pics of the following places:
Petra, Edom, Dead Sea, and the tribe of Dan